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How to order H type cable and rod mesh

H type cable and rod mesh,How to order H type cable and rod mesh,stainless steel H type cable and rod mesh,architectural wire mesh,stainless steel architectural mesh

In order to ensure that you receive a good quote for H type cable and rod mesh , please contact us or to place an order with WEB .


H type cable mesh1.jpg 

Technical information

Using the technical drawings above as reference please enter your desired specifications below

A. Cable Nos and diameter: required

B. Rod diameter: required

C. Pitch of cable and rod: required

D. Width of mesh: required (the max width is 8m)

E. Length of mesh: required (standard length is 10m)

F. Order quantity: required (how many pieces or rolls do you require for your application?)

G. Material alloy: required( what metal or alloy will work best in your application? Our common material is stainless steel or copper alloy)


Of course, if you know the item number, the quantity and the dimensions, we can offer competitive pricing and delivery information quickly and easily.