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How to store copper wire mesh?

Attention to copper wire mesh storage, why and find solutions


Exposure to heat, air and humidity can change the appearance of copper. The process is called oxidization and happens because the copper combines with the oxygen in air and then gives up some of its electrons. This can cause the color of the metal to change and can give rise to areas of darkening. Copper may turn a deeper orange, a pinkish shade or can even develop purple or blue streaks. If left unchecked, the oxidization can become extensive and will eventually result in the appearance of blue-green copper salts called verdigris.



Copper wire mesh susceptible to tarnis. It will turn brown, then green, when exposed to the environment, so definitely not placed it on the outside.

When storage, the copper wire mesh must in sealed and moistureproof package, for keep out the air

The place where the copper wire mesh is stored, must be dry, kept away from excess heat and damp.